The BCWD has local levy authority within the boundaries of the Belle Creek Watershed. These levy dollars are utilized for dam safety liability insurance, conducting maintenance efforts on the existing impoundment structures as well as providing funds for conservation efforts that prolong the life of BCWD structures.
The Goodhue SWCD assists the Belle Creek Watershed District with structure maintenance work and administrative duties. If you have any specific questions about the Belle Creek Watershed District, please contact Beau Kennedy at the Goodhue SWCD 651-923-5286
BCWD Board Members
President - Les Kyllo 1441 County 50 Blvd. Goodhue, MN 55027
Treasurer - James Hedeen 15478 Norelius Rd. Welch, MN 55089
Secretary - Steve McNamara 34699 165th Ave Way Goodhue, MN 55027
BCWD Main Focus
Upkeep and maintenance of the large storm water retention structures that were installed in the 70's and 80's to prevent downstream flooding in the Belle Creek Watershed.
Belle Creek Watershed District
BWCD District Library
Activity Reports
2021 Activity
BCWD Videos
Belle Creek Watershed District Tour:
The Goodhue SWCD has a longstanding partnership with the Belle Creek Watershed District (BCWD). Each year the BCWD Board members, the SWCD and the NRCS conduct a tour of all the watershed dams. These watershed dams are owned and operated by the BCWD. They were installed in the 1970’s and 80’s in an effort to reduce the flooding in the Belle Creek Watershed just west of Goodhue. Our tour focuses on the inspection and maintenance of the dams which helps ensure the longevity and effectiveness of these large structures. Contact Beau Kennedy @ the Goodhue SWCD if you have questions/comments on the BCWD.
This drone footage shows the emergency spillway and earthen dam of 1 of the 6 structures BCWD operates.