Click this link to enter your opinion on the Wells Creek Watershed
Some of these survey questions are the same that were asked of Wells Creek watershed residents back in 1995!
This link will be active until April 15th2023

The Goodhue SWCD is working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, along with the EPA, on securing federal funding for the Wells Creek Watershed. This dedicated funding will provide dollars for technical and financial assistance for implementing a wide range of conservation practices in the watershed. The funds will focus mainly on reducing erosion and sedimentation in the stream.
We'll be hosting a open house on Wednesday March 15th from 5-7pm at the Frontenac Sportsman Club. Please swing by and let us know what you think of the watershed and where you think we should focus our efforts!
Please contact the Goodhue SWCD office if you have any questions or if you have interest in getting conservation on the ground in the Wells Creek Watershed! 651-923-5286 or
The backstory on Wells Creek Watershed Partnership.....
The Wells Creek Watershed Partnership was formed in the early 1990's by a group of landowners in the watershed who were focused on implementing conservation practices and preserving the integrity of the watershed characteristics. Below are the founding goals that the Partnership developed to steer their actions into the future.
1995 Goals...

The Partnership is still active today by hosting an annual watershed picnic and arranging for DNR fish shocking demonstrations on our local streams. In 2022, the picnic pulled in over 60 people from the watershed! The Partnership continues to provide a great platform for educating watershed residence on the importance of conservation in the area.
We will be providing updates and accomplishments in the Wells Creek watershed on our webpage dedicated to happenings with this project. We also have collected various research documents and past Partnership files online. see:
